The leaders of the "Almost, Maine" production, presented in 2015 on the SALT Block campus, donated a portion of the proceeds to Arts Culture Catawba, to be shared for other high school productions in Catawba County. The Board of Directors of Arts Culture Catawba added to the generosity of their gift and increased the grant by $1,700, for a total of $3,500.

The Theatre Arts Grant (TAG) is available to help defray costs for theatre productions at public high schools in Catawba County. Qualified applicants can apply for a maximum of $500. These grants are available throughout the school year or until the funds are exhausted.

  • TAG has a rolling deadline so that the ACC Board can review proposals as received.
  • Proposals must be received no less than 60 days before the actual production.
  • Signatures from the advisor/teacher and the authorizing official [principal] are required on the application.
  • The application must include a detailed budget, as well as the dates for the production.
  • An evaluation form must be completed at the end of the project.
  • The grant is restricted to theatre productions which are open to the public.
  • A school may be granted only one TAG per school year and for only one theatre production.

Before you begin ...

This form allows you to save the application at any point, prior to completion, and return to complete at a later time. You must have a user account for this process. If you intend to complete this application in stages, sign in now or register first.




  • A detailed budget for the production.
Drop your files here
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Required Signatures
