Grants & Scholarships

For logos and acknowledgement wording for grant awards, please click here

NC Arts Council Grant Opportunity

  • Hurricane Helene Relief Grants for Organizations in Western North Carolina - Due January 24, 2025


Arts Culture Catawba Spring Grant Cycle 

  • Projects Pool Grants - Due March 20, 2025
  • Innovative Artist Project Grants - Due March 20, 2025
  • Edna Bost Barringer Young Artist Competition - Due March 20, 2025


For Organizations

NC Arts Council - Hurricane Helene Relief Grants for Organizations in Western North Carolina

Grant Applications Open: January 6, 2025

Grant Applications Due: January 24, 2025

Range: From $5,000 to $15,000

In response to the losses sustained by the arts sector due to Hurricane Helene, the North Carolina Arts Council developed a grant category for nonprofit arts organizations located in the impacted region. Their goal is to distribute much-needed flexible funding that will assist arts organizations in their recovery.

Examples of how funding can be used include:

  • Salaries, wages, fringe benefits for organizational staff
  • Repair and conservation of artistic and cultural materials including costumes, performance sets, instruments, etc.
  • Purchase of replacement supplies and equipment utilized for administrative purposes or artistic purposes
  • Projects, activities, and marketing designed to reengage with audiences


Who May Apply

Arts organizations that are located in Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Clay, Cleveland, Gaston, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yancey counties can apply for relief if they meet the general eligibility criteria of:

  • Must be a nonprofit organization in good standing with the state of North Carolina.
  • Must have been producing quality arts programs for at least two consecutive years.
  • Must have prior-year organizational cash operating expenses of at least $20,000.

Arts organizations that are part of another entity such as a municipality, school system, or college/university are not eligible to apply in this category.


Scope and Allowable Expenses

Grant amounts will range from $5,000 to $15,000, depending upon organizational budget size and the total number of eligible applications submitted. These grants support artistic and administrative functions of arts organizations. Recipients may use them to fund salaries, artists’ fees, production, travel, promotion, programming expenses, supplies and equipment, office expenses, and facility operation. Relief grants do not require a match. 


Project Period

The project period for funds runs through June 30, 2025. All funds must be spent by June 30, 2025. Final reports will be due on July 31, 2025.


Please click on the link below to be directed to the NC Arts Council's website, where more information about how to apply is available.

Projects Pool Grants

Grant Applications Open: January 2, 2025

Grant Applications Due: March 20, 2025

Panel Presentation Date: April 7, 2025


Nonprofit organizations are awarded grants for projects that encourage innovative arts projects and will enhance and strengthen the cultural community and broaden the services offered to Catawba County citizens.

Projects Pool Grants, which are administered by Arts Culture Catawba, are made available by the North Carolina Arts Council through the North Carolina Grassroots Arts Program.  Additional dollars are added by Catawba County government and five municipalities, including Maiden, Catawba, Conover, Hickory, and Newton. 

Collaborative Arts Projects Grants

Applications open year-round. Must apply at least 60 days prior to event date.

The Collaborative Arts Project (CAP) grant was established by Arts Culture Catawba to encourage collaborations among cultural and/or community nonprofit organizations for arts, science and history projects reaching underserved audiences.

Community Cultural Grant

Applications open year-round. Must apply at least 90 days prior to event date.

The Community Cultural Grant promotes cultural activities, throughout Catawba County enabling municipalities and non-profit organizations to provide cultural programs at community and heritage festivals and events for their respective communities. Special priority is given to the municipalities that fund Arts Culture Catawba, organizations representing diverse populations, events that feature artists of diversity, organizations that target special population groups and events that will potentially reach large segments of Catawba County residents.

Thank you to Piedmont Natural Gas, through the Duke Energy Foundation, for their donation towards this grant.

Staff and Board Development Grants

Applications open year-round. Must apply at least 30 days prior to event date.

Staff and board members of Arts Culture Catawba member organizations, with the exception of public and private school teachers, qualify to receive this type of grant to attend workshops and conferences that will strengthen their professional skills and expand their capabilities.

For Individuals

Artist Support Grants

Applications Open: September 1, 2024

Applications Due: September 30, 2024 by Midnight 

Artists from Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Iredell and McDowell Counties are now eligible for Artist Support Grants.  The grant, operated by local arts councils, will fund professional and artistic development for emerging or established artists to create work, improve business operations, or bring work to new audiences.

How to apply:
Email the contact for your county to set up an appointment to begin your process.

Innovative Artist Project Grants

Grant Applications Open: January 2, 2025

Grant Applications Due: March 20, 2025

Panel Presentation Date: April 9, 2025

Innovative Artist Grants are made possible by monies raised during a silent art auction held each year as part of our annual fundraising event, the Jingle Bell Bash. The grant awards are for innovative and creative projects, with collaborative efforts encouraged. Seeking to cultivate area artists, the purpose of these grants is to create exposure and a focus on Catawba County’s support of its artists.

For Students and Schools

Edna Bost Barringer Young Artist Competition

Applications Open: January 2, 2025

Applications Due:  Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 5:00 PM

Created by the family of Edna Bost Barringer in her memory, this scholarship is awarded annually by Arts Culture Catawba to area youth under the age of 21.  The competition is alternated each year between visual/literary artists and performing artists.  This year will be visual/literary art. Judges from the North Carolina School of the Arts select the winner(s).  The total amount awarded each year is $1,000.  This amount may be given to an individual or broken into two awards of $500 each.  This award goes to students planning to pursue a career in the arts.

Kathryn T. Greathouse Legacy Scholarship

Applications open year-round.


The Board of Arts Culture Catawba has established a scholarship in honor of Kathryn T. Greathouse, who served as the Executive Director of the United Arts Council for many years and had a passion for helping young people achieve their artistic endeavors. The mission of this need and merit-based scholarship is to provide cultural education opportunities to students of the primary and secondary education level. Students seeking collegiate financial help are not eligible for this scholarship.

Theatre Arts Grant

Applications open year-round. Must apply at least 60 days prior to event date.

The Theatre Arts Grant (TAG) is available to help defray costs for theatre productions at public high schools in Catawba County. Qualified applicants can apply for a maximum of $500.

These grants are available throughout the school year or until the funds are exhausted.

Recent Grant Award Winners

2023-24 Projects Pool Grant Recipients
Catawba County Schools - All County Elementary Honors Chorus
Catawba County Senior Nutrition Services
Catawba Science Center
Catawba Valley Community Chorus
City of Newton Public Art Commission
CVCC - Redhawk Publications
Downtown Newton Development Association
Footcandle Film Society
Hart Square Foundation, Inc.
Hickory Choral Society
Hickory Community Theatre
Hickory Museum of Art
Hickory Music Factory
Hickory Playground
Hmong Southeast Puavpheej
Lenoir-Rhyne University - Visiting Writers Series
Lenoir-Rhyne University - Summer Youth Music Camps
The Green Room Community Theatre
Western Piedmont Symphony
2023-24 Arts Improvement Grant Recipients
Art N Learn
Catawba Science Center
Centro Latino
City of Hickory Public Art Commission
Hickory Choral Society
Hickory Community Theatre
Hickory Museum of Art
Hickory Music Factory
Hmong Southeast Puavpheej
Mt. Pisgah AME Church
Newton-Conover Community Band
The Green Room Community Theatre
Western Piedmont Symphony
2023-24 Collaborative Arts Project Grant Recipients
Centro Latino, Hickory Community Theatre,
& Hickory Downtown Development Association
Hickory Public Library, Patrick Beaver Learning Resource Center,
& Western Piedmont Symphony
Hart Square Foundation & Hickory Music Factory
Western Piedmont Symphony & Catawba Science Center
2023-24 Community Cultural Fund Grant Recipients
Christ Lutheran Church
Greater Hickory International Council
Hickory Music Factory
Hickory Parks and Rec
Newton Conover Community Band
Southwest Community Watch
Town of Maiden
Women's Resource Center


2023-24 Artist Support Grant Recipients
Damien Overcash
Dana Pape
Felecia Chizuko Carlisle
Gavin Stewart
Joseph William Bigley III
Julie Cioffoletti
Lance Turner
Lark Bodnar
Maria Register
Paul Hunter Speagle
Samuel J. Fox
Sheridan See
Yolanda T. Prince
2023-24 Innovative Artist Grant Recipients
Andrew Moose
E'Lon JD
Hunter Speagle
Kirstie-Ann Eaton
Phinthone (Ping) Senesombath
Rick Cline
Tevin Carr
2023-24 Theatre Arts Grant Recipient
St. Stephens High School
2023-24 Edna Bost Barringer Young Artist Award Recipient
Emma Frye
2023-24 Kathryn T. Greathouse Legacy Scholarhip Recipient
Elena Noelle Walker