Photos by Chad Linebarger of Mikata Design Studio,
staff and guests.
Thank you to our 2024 Jingle Bell BASH Sponsors!
Thank you to our Jingle Bell BASH Team 2024
Bonita Ferretti & Amanda Hetzel
JBB Committee
Alexis Abernathy
Thelma Eley
Landon Lane, III
Jerry McCombs
Katherine Rogers
Katharyn Portwood
Hani Nassar
Thank you to our Board of Directors & Volunteers!
Board of Directors
Alexis Abernathy
Kitty Barnes
Tracey Bolick
Maryfrances Carter
Arnita Dula
Thelma Eley
Bonita Ferretti
Charlie Fox
Alex Frick
Rebecca Hart
Amy Hayes
Amanda Hetzel
Board of Directors
Landon Lane, III
Adele McCarty
Jerry McCombs
Alfred McCorkle
Vickie Martin
Katherine Rogers
Luther Rollins, Jr.
Michael Roper
Elizabeth Thao
Patty Thompson
Jamie Treadaway
Mike Watson
Kari Alley
Tara Bland
Elaine Bolick
Danielle Cannon
Kit Cannon
Missy Cleveland
Tamara Coley
Joanne Colton
Rich Colton
Shirley DeArmond
Jade Duncan
Matt Ester
Cristina Gomez
Mandy Hildebrand
Erin Hooks
Angelina James
Caroline Keller
Chad Linebarger
Shelby Rae Moore
Annarria Moose
Victoria Morales
Bill Morgan
Dawn Tashjian
Pam Walters
Frank Young
JBB 2024 Culinary Artists & Caterers
We are thankful and honored to have these wonderful businesses participate in this year's Jingle Bell BASH event!
Click on each logo to learn more!
Thank you to our Amazing Contributors!
Thank you to all of our Silent Auction Donors!
Alchemy Artisan Collective
Christine Almeida
Altered Earth Ceramics
AnandaRasa Catawba
Phillip & Wendy Armstrong
Auto Fitness Center
Amanda Bentley
Traci Blasko
Jordan ‘the Girl’ Bost
BPope Productions
Steven Brooks
John David Brown, III
Staci Bumgarner
Maryfrances Carter
Catawba Science Center
Sally Clayton
Missy Cleveland
DASH Home + Kitchen
Downtown Newton Development Association
Sara Jenne Echerd
Ellen Ball Studios
Melissa Eller
Kat Evans
Gina Faison
Ashley Gaylord
Fan Fair
Far Out Records
Kimberly Fragola
Graceful Geese Mercantile
The Green Room Theatre
Groovy Girl Art + Studio
Heritage with Heart
Sigrid Hice
Hickory Ballet & Performing Arts
Hickory Choral Society
Hickory Crawdads
The Hickory Community Theatre
Hickory Football Club (FC)
Hickory Landmarks Society
Hickory Museum of Art
Historical Association of Catawba County
Hickory Music Factory
Lana Hodges
Susan Holbrook
Erin Hooks
Barry Huffman
Virgina Hurley | Tigermoon Design
Meredith Janssen
Ingrid Keller
Larry’s Music
Leaf of the Wind Woodturning
Lowes Foods
Amy McHugh
Lonny McSherley
Mosaics by Maria
Bill Morgan
Michelle Morgan
Natural Olive
Newton Depot
Pho Lodge
Redhawk Publishing
Maria Register
Rescue Ranch
Michael Roper
Ellen Schwarzbek
Ping Senesombath
Francis Simeni
Dan Smith
Tonja Smith
Dede Starnes
Julie Stephan
Tastebuds Popcorn
Taste Full Beans
Taylor King Furniture
Andy Thomason
Elizabeth Thao
Patsye Thompson
Carol Turner
Unique Custom Threads
Western Piedmont Symphony
Alison Willard
Liz Yang