Select the painting/work you will be writing about. You may select as many as many as you like. Please do not share the artwork linked in the folder below or use for any other purpose beyond this collaboration.
Poem entries will be displayed alongside artwork for Arts Culture Catawba's Art Wall Gallery from April-June. This quarter's Art Wall Reception will be on April 3rd from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at the Arts Culture Catawba office. If you submit an entry, you are encouraged to attend the reception to read your work/discuss its inspriation. Directions are available at https://www.artscatawba.org/who-we-are/contact-us-find-us
- Poems must be submitted by March 31st.
- Mail-in Poems must be postmarked by March 25th.
Mail to:
Arts Culture Catawba
243 3rd Ave NE Box 5
Hickory, NC 28601
Or Email to:
Grants@ArtsCatawba.org with the subject line "Ekphrastic Poetry Submission". Please let us know if you plan to attend and read your poem as well!
All Poems must be typed using:
- Times New Roman Font
- Font size 12 and fit on one page 8 1/2" W x 11"H
- On white paper
- Title of Poem left side of page
- One inch margin on left side of page
- Author's name under title on left side of page
The River
Author's Name
For "Title of Painting"